The term Digital Marketing comprises of two specific parts namely digital Marketing Solution or product and digital marketing solution to focus on the Marketing strategies, such as responsive website creation, search engine marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, mobile & email marketing and online display banner advertising. In simple word digital marketing can be said as an interactive marketing done with products or services using digital Technologies to make the brand bigger or Reach a targeted customers and convert them into business lead.
Digital Marketing Solutions
Digital Marketing Solutions are simply the products or do-it-yourself (DIY) tool that are primarily focused to achieve the digital marketing strategies.
The first step for any business to get into digital marketing is to have a Responsive website along with either an IVR or Missed call number or a shortcode sms. Then in order to market the promotional message you would require a Bulk SMS or voice SMS sender application.
The primary objective of these solutions are below

Responsive website design :
In this mobile world the traditional websites created for laptop or desktop would no longer be sufficient and so we should focus onto create a website that works on almost all devices such as desktop PC, laptop, tablet and on all mobile devices.
The promotional Information that the brand targets should be placed clearly on the website with the main focus on usability And user Readability.
The website should also have a click to action button (CTA) or a direct contact information of the business so this would help to generate Leads.
We at can help you create a high quality responsive web design for your business. The website will be featured with 3 or 5 page unique website design, business enquiry form, Map integration, social sharing options, 3rd party email setup and basic SEO configuration At an unbelievable pricing.
Missed call Number :
The missed call number will have the capability of receiving multiple calls at a time. It is generally and front facing number That is used on the promotional information so that the interested people contact the business.
Whenever a call is made to this number the call will be automatically disconnected and the number will be stored on the dashboard which can be downloaded in Excel format for further outbound calling usage.

IVR Solution :
The IVR solution would act as on customer care / support number for your business, whenever any interested people Make a call to this number, we will receive a welcome message said by you and the call would be connected to your customer can Team. This call will be recorded and the customer care number so that you could use of outgoing calling process.
Bulk SMS & Bulk Voice SMS Sender:
Bulk SMS application is used to send a huge number of message to any mobile numbers in India at a time. Promotional message should adhere to TRAI Regulation and guidelines. The key aspect for a promotional message is that the message should not be delivered to any DND number, the delivery timing should be between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. everyday and the sender ID of this promotional message should be 6 digit number.
Similar to the bulk SMS application, The bank voice SMS sender can be used to Broadcast a huge number of recorded voice calls to any number of mobile numbers in India.
The users will be provided with their login credentials of Bulk SMS or Voice SMS application using which they can login the system and send any number promotional messages. Messages will be sent immediately and the reports can be tracked online through the report dashboard.

Short Code SMS :
Used by Advertising Agencies, Marketing Companies & marketing savvy companies for campaigns, contests etc. For lead generation, if backed by a campaign in print or electronic media. Advertising agencies prefer to use it as the response to their advertising campaign is measurable on parameters like numbers, time, effectiveness etc.
A SMS Short Code is a 5 digit number (Like 56767 / 56161 / 53030) provided by mobile network operators, on which data (SMS) can be sent by subscribers of the mobile operators. We deal in premium short code service only.