Consultants have diversified their core business of Consultancy over a period of time. Be it for job placements or career guidance for overseas education or any other consultancy services, these consultants have proved their ability to help the needy. For past many years, it’s been a challenge to find a right candidate for the right job and vice a versa. Job placement agencies and consultancy till recently have been finding out effective methods to simplify the process. Today across the globe there are many placement consultant companies who are offering best of placement services offering best job opportunities for the right candidate. Most of the corporate, online business houses, big as well small industries outsource their recruitment process to these placement agencies. These agencies with their customer data source select the best suitable candidates for the desired role. Even for overseas education, these consultants offer career guidance, visa and travel assistance, admission process, overseas educational curriculum, etc to its students and parent’s community at large who are looking for pursuing higher education abroad.
Though communication plays a vital role, placements and Overseas Education consultant companies have a larger role to play. For placement consultants, right from resume building to candidate screening, initial interviews to checking candidate background details, short-listing to final placing of candidates are few of the important duties that they have to handle. Giving career guidance, providing overseas educational options, helping out smooth travel and visa process, listing out universities and campus admission procedure, handling personalized consultancy for students who want to pursue higher education abroad are few of the services provided by overseas educational consultants.
To ensure effective communication among its clients, placement and overseas educational consultants are using Bulk Messaging Service. They send out messages regarding job openings to suitable candidates and generate interest among them. This SMS service allows consultants to simplify the recruitment process which in turn saves lot of time and money. SMS helps to reduce the gap between the jobs and the right candidates thereby helping the placement consultants to do their work in the right manner. With the help of bulk sms service, loads of Information is carried out quickly and in most effective way that ensures required jobs and vacancies are filled by the right candidate on regular basis.
Even for Overseas Education Consultants, these bulk sms services is used to send out information to students regarding all stages of abroad study tenure right from pre-school to post-university stay. Alerts on fee structure, visa details, admission procedure, best known universities and accommodation details are disseminated via SMS service.
We at Chennai Company understand the importance of communication and its proper usage that’s required for placements and overseas education consultation firms. Our bulk messaging services ensures quickest and fastest mode to disseminate accurate information in timely manner to the right candidates. We offer highly interactive and cost effective text messaging service. In a nutshell,Chennai Company ensures best of SMS service to both consultant and end users who strive to get hold of opportunities that are coming in their way.