Bulk SMS for Call Centers

Monitor The Progress of Your SMS Campaigns and Broadcasts using Our Instantaneous and Dynamic .


  • Agents can pick up calls from home or office, anywhere. Smart IVR sociability allows you to add more agents during peak load hours without making any additional investments.
  • Call Queues
  • Control caller’s experience while their call is waiting in a queue. Smart IVR helps to select music message which callers can hear, minimizes waiting time and numbers of callers in queue.
  • Call Reports
  • Monitoring call center activities via web-based reports is more convenient.
    It is easy to track records such as call duration, number of answered calls, number of agents logged in and many more in just one click.
  • Record & Transfer Calls
  • Help you to record and transfer each call. This provides information about the customer requirements and also helps to track how their needs and queries are taken care by the customer support team.

call center


We provide Outbound Telemarketing Services which comprises of an innovative call centre Set-up, equipped with all the latest tools, which enable us to make successful email marketing and  marketing calls for your products and services. Each Outbound Call is recorded so as to ensure that the quality of the Outbound Calls made from the Call centre, are not deteriorated at any stage of the ongoing conversation between the agent and the prospect customer. Our experience and expertise in handling Outbound Call centre Services makes it possible to successfully accomplish, each project we undertake for email marketing and sales of the products and services, offered by you.